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30 Day Chronic Illness Blogging Challenge: Day 10

Day 10: What little things makes your life easier?

There are so many little things that make my life easier with 3 incurable but non fatal chronic illnesses, but for now, I just want to share the two things that have helped above all else.

When I first began my ‘journey’ to find answers as to why I was suddenly so sick I couldn’t even get out of bed, I began blogging as a way to work through all the emotions I was feeling, as well as to maybe find others in my same situation. Best decision I made, although a uncomfortable one at first. I was and am a huge writer, and I have dozens of books filled with my words. But I had never up till that point shared the details of my personal life online.

I knew I had to do something to help me deal with everything that was happening. I couldn’t keep it bottled up inside and hope to come out unscarred emotionally.

So I started my blog, and the responses, while slow at first, rapidly became more and more. Others sharing their stories, stories of others they know or heard about, opinions and questions all for them, these strangers, to do what they could to help me find answers.

It still makes me emotional when I think about it. I never would have thought perfect strangers would actually try and help me. But I’m beyond glad they did. It helped me find answers, but most of all, it helped me deal with all I was feeling and having someone who’s there for you, even if they don’t have any sort of Chronic illness, is such a blessing. Someone to remind you that you are human. That your emotions and feelings are valid and natural.

Some of the best friends I have ever known I’ve never met face to face. Endless video chats and emails, yes.

I have a HUGE ‘unbiological family’ scattered all over the world, not just the US. Sharing my story was the best decision I have ever made. It forced me out of my comfort zone, to be vulnerable, to reach out to the nameless people online for support and answers.

Now, almost 7 years later, I’m still receiving emails from people asking how I’m doing and if there’s anything they can do to help. Even more shocking, at least from my perspective, I still receive countless emails, chats, phone calls from my followers and people who came across my blog one way or another telling me how much my writing has helped them. How they hope I never stop writing.

I have always loved to write, even as a young child. But it never occurred to me that my writing was actually going to help others. That by putting words on paper, (or in my case, online) I could inspire someone I don’t even know.

I always thought there was never going to be anything good about getting sick, getting on disability, unable to work, losing countless friends and family due to my illnesses and all that comes with it. But I’m so proud to say I was wrong.

You may have come across a page on my blog called Quotes By Me. After my ‘Journey’ began and I had to fill up every single day with anything just to prevent me from going crazy. I began making custom quotes, at first just ones I love. Then some for different situations (Dealing with life, loss, friendship, etc.) I began receiving requests for a specific quote someone wanted to see me make for them.

That has been an amazing idea that I wanted to see if I could push myself further. So I then began to make Spoonie Thoughts And Advice, Movie Quotes, and Song Lyric quotes. I am still in the process of adding more catagories, as well as adding them to my blog.

Keep checking back for new content in each category. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have something you’d like me to make, or even if you just need to rant and I listen without judgement. I only give advice if someone asks for it. Otherwise I just listen.

My contact information can be found on my ‘About Us‘ page under Karley Kay. My email and Facebook are usually the ones most people use to reach out to me.

If you reach out to me, I will always reach back to you. You’re not alone. You matter. Always. Don’t ever let someone tell you differently. You got this. I believe in you.