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I’m going to do something I haven’t in quite a while. I’m going to be vulnerable. I’m going to say something I’ve wanted to say for over a year.

🎵You’re alive, you survived, it’s a sign
And the proof is in your pulse
Brighter stars only shine in the dark
You are stronger than you know🎵

This hits right in my soul, given the last 539 days. But I know I can do this. Because I’m still here. When my heart gave out that day, and I flatlined, I came back. I fought like HELL to come back.

No, I’m not over it. No, I’m not okay. Far from it. But day by day, I’m getting there. Day by day #IGetALittleBitStronger

The lyrics are from a song by Citizen Soldier called Still Breathing. One of my favorite Artists lately. They have yet to write a song that I don’t relate to or love.

I’m so beyond grateful for the amazing but small, support system I have. I love you all and I can’t thank you guys enough ❤😘

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